Have a Heart
Sharing Our Success
Quill Plains Health Care Foundation recently purchased a Sit/Stand chair for the amount of $5252.00 for the Quill Plains Centennial Lodge . We continue to purchase equipment and furnishings in preparation for our new 60 bed long term care home to be built here in Watson.
Please Give Generously
Donate online today!
Here are some other ways you can help us reach our goals:
Memorial Donations
or Planned Giving Talk to your family about planned giving or donate in memory of a loved one. Your donation is a great way to leave a lasting legacy to a worthy project right here in your community.
Attend a Fundraiser
or Special Event Attend one of the many local events supporting this fundraising initiative. Just click here to see what is coming up in your community!
Drop Off Your Donation
or Mail a Cheque Drop your donation off at Strueby Agencies in Watson or Englefeld or mail your cheque to PO Box 277, Watson, SK, S0K 4V0.
Please make all donations payable to Quill Plains Health Care Foundation